Kim Iversen
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Live Streamed on September 18, 2024 3:03 PM ET
September 18, 2024
Casual Kim Livestream

Haven't seen you all in awhile! I am testing the new Rumble studios features and giving you all updates about the show and life.

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Had a fun time this weekend at a birthday party and wanted to share my GIF. btw..I learned it's pronounced JIFF with a soft G not GIFF with a hard G. The more you know I suppose.

Kim's Birthday Bash!
Why Kim Iversen Is No Longer On The Hill's Rising

A message from Kim...

January 20, 2022
Segment on Glenn Beck Radio Today!
Segment on Glenn Beck Radio Today!
Productive vacation: Finished the dog ramp! And I hung up a light above my breakfast table!

Well, I finished the Dog ramp but Scarlett hasn’t tried it yet. If this works out I’ll build a second ramp for the lower stairs. This way, she only have to get up the top steps. What I did to build this ramp is I bought two ramps, cut one in half, then I used a 2 x 2 on the back to secure the half ramp to the full ramp. Then in order to prevent slipping, I added grip tape to the entire thing because the carpet was too slick for her paws.
You can see other things we previously tried to do to aid her like adding carpet to the stairs and adding grip tape on top of the carpet. Now we’re leveling up with this ramp. Fingers crossed.

I also decided to hang this pendant light I bought about a year ago above our breakfast table. I ended up not liking it when it arrived so I never put it up. But since it was just sitting in my garage I thought I might as well put it up until I find something I like better. My husband loves it. I’m still not sure. I followed all the safety protocols by ...

September 18, 2024


The First Amendment to the United States Constitution prevents the government from making any laws respecting an establishment of religion; prohibiting the free exercise of religion; or abridging the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the freedom of assembly, or the right to petition the government for redress of grievance. This Amendment is the core foundation of our Bill of Rights and the Constitution that our free society is based on. It is not number one by coincidence but by priority to prevent tyranny and/or totalitarianism. Gavin Newsome is not only illegally violating that core principle but also his Constitutional oath of office that he unequivocally agreed to uphold.

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September 16, 2024

X/twitter statement from JD Vance tonight on free speech...

"Yesterday, Donald J. Trump nearly lost his life. An armed gunman waited for him in the bushes. He brought a go-pro camera to record it. A secret service agent spotted the barrel of a gun through a fence and shot at the gunman. The gunman fled. He was caught. And now we slowly learn about him and his motive.

President Trump is my running mate, and my friend, but he is more importantly a father and grandfather to people who love him very much. I want him to have many more years with his family. (And selfishly, I'd like many more with my own.)

I admire the president for calling for peace and calm. The rhetoric is out of control. It nearly got Steve Scalise and many others killed a few years ago. It nearly got Donald Trump killed twice. But I want to say something about yesterday's news, and how it illuminates the difference between vigorous debate and violent rhetoric.

Here is what we know so far: Kamala Harris has said that "Democracy is on the line" in her ...

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