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Had a fun time this weekend at a birthday party and wanted to share my GIF. btw..I learned it's pronounced JIFF with a soft G not GIFF with a hard G. The more you know I suppose.

Kim's Birthday Bash!
Why Kim Iversen Is No Longer On The Hill's Rising

A message from Kim...

January 20, 2022
Segment on Glenn Beck Radio Today!
Segment on Glenn Beck Radio Today!

Jared Bernstein, the Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers, explaining modern monetary policies. He is the primary advisor to the Biden Administration on their economic policy (aka Bidenomics)


I’m Canadian so I can’t vote but, if I could, I would vote for Scott Ritter or Col. Douglas MacGregor. Both have been in the battlefield and yet they are extremely anti-war—they themselves have witnessed the reality of war, whereas for the people in the “Beltway” it’s just playing with toy soldiers and video games. Both Col. MacGregor and Scott Ritter are intelligent, honest, have common sense and have honour—they are legitimate American Patriots

I, too, was extremely disappointed in Tulsi Gabbard

May 02, 2024
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