Good News! I will begin a Locals Only after show stream Tuesdays and Thursdays! I was able to expand my staff today with more technical people so we can offer what we've wanted to all along, a Locals Only Aftershow! You have all been very patient with me and supportive and I've greatly appreciate it. The new show will be for viewer feedback and other fun segments. You will like it! Coming every Tuesday and Thursday January 2024!
Post your comments and questions for me here to be read during the live show. Thank you for your support!
You mentioned about AI creativity, after making art with it for the past year, I have to disagree that it's not that creative. Although, funnily enough, I've seen AI art go from Renaissance era splendor to modern art crap in this same time frame.
There's a lot I could go into with regard to why, but I don't feel like typing out 10 minutes worth of lecture.