Kim Iversen
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I’m no longer with Rising

I am no longer with Hill’s Rising. I can’t get into the details just yet but hopefully by the end of week. What I can say is I was prepared to be on yesterday but wasn’t. I’ll post on my channel the details when I can share them.

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Had a fun time this weekend at a birthday party and wanted to share my GIF. btw..I learned it's pronounced JIFF with a soft G not GIFF with a hard G. The more you know I suppose.

Kim's Birthday Bash!
Why Kim Iversen Is No Longer On The Hill's Rising

A message from Kim...

January 20, 2022
Segment on Glenn Beck Radio Today!
Segment on Glenn Beck Radio Today!
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With regards to MAHA and no soda for poor people, healthier shopping choices etc:

I think the thing a lot of people calling for these types of measures are forgetting or ignoring is that the food that is least good for you is often the only food that those on social assistance can afford. Fresh produce is expensive, freshly butchered meat is expensive. All of the things you would need to home cook healthy meals are often beyond the budget of those who are of such limited means.

The Great and Good can shake their heads and tsk, tsk the underclass all they want about their diets but until food prices come down, we really do not have much of a choice. We either eat what we can afford to buy or we starve. And no, gardening is not an option when you do not have a yard.

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